4 05, 2023

Webinar: Financially Savvy Seniors

2023-05-04T14:14:04-05:00May 4th, 2023|Education, Financial|

Webinar: Financially Savvy Seniors Join us for a free, informational webinar. Retirement can be a great time for seniors if they are prepared financially. Attendees will learn about specific retirement concerns such as managing money, Medicare, Social Security, improving cash flow, insurance, investing, estate planning, and more. REGISTER: Session 1: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Time: [...]

2 08, 2021

August Webinars – free financial education online

2021-08-02T09:43:06-05:00August 2nd, 2021|Education, Green Country News|

Stay in the Know - WEBINARS Below are educational webinars (all FREE) for Green Country members. In August we focus on the Sandwich Generation - those of us taking care of both kids and parents and various financial-related issues that come up. We'll also share several webinars for back-to-school topics like FASFA applications, student [...]

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