9 11, 2020

3 Ways to Refinance to a VA Loan

2020-11-09T10:07:54-06:00November 9th, 2020|Home Buying|

3 Ways to Refinance to a VA Loan A VA refinance is brand new loan, not just an adjustment of a current one. A VA refinance will require a new loan application, a new title report and depending upon the type of VA refinance, more paperwork. Today, there are three different VA refinance loans. The [...]

9 11, 2020

Do you qualify for a VA Loan?

2020-11-09T09:55:02-06:00November 9th, 2020|Home Buying, Uncategorized|

VA Loan Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for a VA loan, you or your spouse must meet the basic service requirements set by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), have a valid Certificate of Eligibility (COE), and satisfy credit and income requirements. You may be eligible for a VA loan by meeting one or more of the [...]

7 07, 2020

Home Buying 101 – your complete guide

2020-07-07T15:57:04-05:00July 7th, 2020|Budgeting, Financial, Home Buying|

Buying a home is at once an exciting and challenging venture. With commitment and planning, you can become a successful homeowner. This post covers everything you need to know to start the home buying process off right, including: Preparing for Homeownership Understanding Mortgages Getting a Loan Searching for a Home and Making an Offer Closing [...]

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