15 02, 2022

Assistance Available for Past-Due Mortgage Expenses

2022-02-15T14:41:50-06:00February 15th, 2022|COVID-19, Financial, Green Country News, Home Buying|

Are you behind on your mortgage? The Oklahoma Homeowner Assistance Fund offers up to $20,000 in grants for past due housing expenses as a result of COVID-19. Get Help Paying Past Due Housing Expenses from the Oklahoma Homeowner Assistance Fund For Oklahoma homeowners financially impacted by COVID-19 Up to $20,000 in grants available per household [...]

18 05, 2021

Financial Stress: The Physical and Mental Effects

2021-05-18T12:39:19-05:00May 18th, 2021|Financial|

Financial Stress: The Physical and Mental Effects Money may not buy you happiness, but studies show that your relationship with it impacts your health. Did you know money is tied to our basic, hard-wired drive to survive? When that drive can’t be attained, it compounds into stress. Maybe it’s why the age-old saying, “health is [...]

19 02, 2021

Six Factors That Could Hurt Your Credit Score

2021-02-19T11:03:31-06:00February 19th, 2021|Improving Credit|

Six Factors That Could Hurt Your Credit Score It's no secret that maintaining a good credit score is essential to strong financial health. It is a must if you ever wish to take out a substantial loan or need to apply for rental properties. Most people know the basics of what may hurt and what [...]

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