5 12, 2022

Spend your money more mindfully—and meaningfully—during the holidays.

2022-12-05T09:46:28-06:00December 5th, 2022|Budgeting, Green Country News|

Spend your money more mindfully—and meaningfully—during the holidays. Regardless of your budget or your particular financial stressors, being more intentional with your money can help you use it in a more meaningful way so you don’t end up filled with guilt or regret (because that’s not the holiday spirit). Here are five tips to prevent overspending and [...]

12 03, 2021

6 Things to do with your Stimulus Check

2021-03-12T13:48:20-06:00March 12th, 2021|Financial|

6 Things to do with your Stimulus Check (if you've already paid your bills)   Pay off (or Pay Down) High-Interest Debt Interest rates are low for student loans, mortgages, and savings accounts, but if you're carrying credit card debt, you're probably paying upwards of 15%. You can free up a lot of cash by paying [...]

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