
We will close Monday, Jan. 20th for Martin Luther King Jr., Day

10 05, 2021

A house fire changed my life. Here’s how two minutes could help save yours.

2021-05-10T10:49:54-05:00May 10th, 2021|Financial|

While we're preparing for a financial disaster, it's worth taking a look at how an unexpected disaster hits. Oklahomans have seen their fair share of tornados, floods,  grass fires, and ice storms. Here's an article about a house fire. Read through and think about what you would grab if you had less than 2 minutes [...]

4 05, 2021

Financial preparation before a natural disaster

2021-05-04T08:08:06-05:00May 4th, 2021|Financial|

Financial preparation before a natural disaster Whether due to fire or flood, earthquake or hurricane, powerful forces of nature can lead to financial devastation if you or your home is in its path. But while you can’t stop a catastrophe from happening, you can take preventative measures. Doing so will cushion the blow that such [...]

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