10 06, 2024

Upcoming Financial Education Webinars – 2024

2024-06-10T12:09:15-05:00June 10th, 2024|Budgeting, Education, Financial|

Upcoming Webinars Financial Education on your time We’re excited to announce our free webinars for the second half of the year! Whether you’re an employee, member, family, or friend, our webinars are packed with useful information and open to everyone. Just make sure to reserve your virtual seat. Select Sign Up at the links below to [...]

21 06, 2022

Upcoming Financial Education Webinars – 2022

2022-06-21T14:47:28-05:00June 21st, 2022|Budgeting, Education, Financial, Kids Corner|

We’re very excited to announce our free webinars for the second half of the year! Whether you’re an employee, member, family, or friend, our webinars are packed with useful info and are open to everyone. Just make sure to reserve your virtual seat. Select Sign Up at the links below to register. When prompted please enter [...]

7 12, 2021

8 Ways to Avoid a Holiday Debt Hangover

2021-12-07T13:19:23-06:00December 7th, 2021|Budgeting, Green Country News|

8 Ways to Avoid a Holiday Debt Hangover Imagine it’s January. You’re taking down holiday decorations, wondering what the new year will bring, and then it hits you, an overwhelming sense of dread as you think about the looming credit card debt from your holiday spending. If this is an all-too-real scenario for you, here [...]

30 11, 2021

5 Creative Ways to Control Your Holiday Budget This Year

2021-11-30T11:02:31-06:00November 30th, 2021|Budgeting|

5 Creative Ways to Control Your Holiday Budget This Year The holiday season is almost here, and now is the perfect time to get started. But before you head out to the mall with your credit card in hand, it is essential to set a plan and create a realistic budget. It is easy to [...]

16 09, 2021

100 Days until Christmas? Now What?!

2021-09-16T15:58:40-05:00September 16th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial|

100 Days until Christmas? Now What?! As of today, you have 100 Days Until Christmas, so let's talk about the "B Word":  you need to have a budget for Christmas and it is time to create one. Sit down and take a good hard look at your finances to see if you can get through [...]

1 12, 2020

Get Creative! Ways to Lower Holiday Spending

2020-12-01T08:00:03-06:00December 1st, 2020|Budgeting|

Get Creative! Ways to Lower Holiday Spending Holiday spending is often a spending plan-buster. The expenses can be numerous: presents, wrapping paper, cards, decorations, food, and travel, to name a few. Yet very few people have an unlimited holiday budget. If you do not have the funds to buy everything you want, there is no [...]

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