4 08, 2021

7 Ways to Ease Back-to-School Costs

2021-08-04T07:31:53-05:00August 4th, 2021|Financial|

Back-to-school season comes around the same time every year, but like the holidays, it has a tendency to sneak up on us — and our bank accounts. Last year, the National Retail Federation estimated that parents would spend a record average of $789.49 doing back-to-school shopping for children in elementary, middle, or high school and [...]

14 09, 2020

5 Actions Grandparents Raising Kids Should Take Now

2020-09-14T13:58:59-05:00September 14th, 2020|Budgeting, Financial|

National Grandparents Day was this weekend and we know that more older adults have primary responsibility for raising grandchildren or other young relatives. If this describes you or the older adults you work with, here are a few financial tools that can help. Get a clear picture of monthly income and expenses. If you’re raising [...]

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