5 01, 2022

New Year Money Resolutions: 9 Tips to Meet Your Financial Goals

2022-01-05T14:37:13-06:00January 5th, 2022|Budgeting, Education, Financial, Improving Credit|

New Year Money Resolutions: 9 Tips to Meet Your Financial Goals Just having a New Year’s resolution can help your bank account, but most of the time, people fail. If you have trouble keeping that overly-broad, year-long goal you thought of while participating in rowdy New Year’s Eve festivities, here’s some advice: Keep it simple. [...]

3 06, 2021

5 habits that can ruin your budget

2021-06-03T12:13:01-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Budgeting, Financial|

5 habits that can ruin your budget How did you ruin your budget last month? It was perfect on paper. You established different spending categories and set what seems like reasonable limits. Yet somehow it just didn't work out. And it keeps happening month after month. Sound familiar? The first thing to do is double-check [...]

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