2 08, 2023

Webinar: Safeguarding Kids’ Identity and Online Privacy

2023-07-27T17:22:39-05:00August 2nd, 2023|Consumer Protection, Cyber Security, Financial, Kids Corner|

Webinar: Safeguarding Kids' Identity and Online Privacy Today’s youth generation is tech-savvy and connected online. However, parents still play an important role in helping them avoid online hazards such as identity theft, privacy, and cyber-bullying. This workshop covers important issues including online privacy tips, managing computer settings, smartphone apps, and positive online behavior. Session 1: [...]

28 06, 2021

WEBINAR: Safeguarding Kids’ Identity

2021-06-28T10:02:16-05:00June 28th, 2021|Financial, Kids Corner|

SAFEGUARDING KIDS’ IDENTITY Free Financial Education Webinar  Today’s youth generation is tech-savvy and connected online. However, parents still play an important role in helping them avoid online hazards such as identity theft, privacy, and cyber-bullying. This workshop covers important issues including online privacy tips, managing computer settings, smartphone apps, and positive online behavior. Session 1: [...]

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